How MoralesHR Stood Up a Fractional Referral Network

A vetted community

MoralesHR is a sought-after consulting and resourcing firm with a community of vetted, talented professionals of various levels and professions to help fill their clients' needs.

Matchmaking for clients

MoralesHR uses Switchboard to bridge the gap between their clients' full-time / part-time / fractional / project-based needs and their community of professionals

New Income streams

In their first three months using Switchboard, MoralesHR made over 50 high-value referrals representing over $1M in contract value for their network, while creating a new revenue stream with referral fees.

"Clients primarily ask us for help with regular employment hires, but now clients are often asking for interim, project, contract, and fractional workers. Managing the process to refer qualified and vetted talent to our client was operationally difficult. Then came Switchboard, which streamlined this process, helpin us connect the right people to our clients faster. No tool has provided as much immediate value to MoralesHR, our clients, or our bottom line as Switchboard has."

Shelly Morales
Founder, MoralesHR

About MoralesHR

MoralesHR is the connector that brings people and opportunities together. Their team, led by Shelly Morales, provides consulting and resourcing services to a wide range of clients and leverages their extensive network to quickly connect their clients with the right talent.

MoralesHR Needed a System to Streamline Talent Placement for Clients

MoralesHR has spent the last few years building out a large network of professionals they can tap into when one of their clients has an opportunity they need filled. But when it came time to actually share the client opportunity with their network, they ran into a number of challenges:

  1. They didn’t have an easy way to share the client's needs with their network and collect interest.
  2. They lacked the operational support to actually get compensated for making a referral between their network and their client.
  3. They didn’t have a great solution to track referrals made or to collect referral fees.
"On a daily basis, we have a client that comes to us with a talent gap they need filled. We have a massive network of professionals we can tap into, but the process of actually finding the right people in our network and putting them in front of our client was a huge operational burden."

Using Opportunity Sharing to Share a Client's Need with Their Network

MoralesHR uses Switchboard Opportunities to surface client needs to their network and collect interest. They had used ATS tools in the past to solve this problem, but those tools didn’t allow MoralesHR the customization they needed.

With Switchboard Opportunities, MoralesHR was able to describe a client, their needs, and their requirements in under two minutes. After the opportunity was created, they were able to easily share that opportunity in their community and other networks to begin collecting interest.

With pitches in hand, MoralesHR can quickly shortlist their preferred candidates and send that list over to a client. Instead of an hours-long operational process, they can deliver a highly personalized experience for their network and clients  before sharing a shortlist with a client.

Switchboard has helped MoralesHR create 50+ opportunities and collect hundreds of pitches from their network, saving hours of time.

Referral Incentives That Work with Any Type of Client Need

Historically, MoralesHR was not compensated for making referrals between their network and their clients. It’s not that MoralesHR was opposed to collecting a referral incentive; they just didn’t have an easy way to handle this, and the ATS tools they were using weren’t built with this need in mind.

Switchboard Opportunities allow MoralesHR to attach a custom referral incentive to each of their opportunities when they’re making a referral for a full-time, part-time, interim, consulting, or fractional role. Their network is able to agree to the referral incentive when they pitch, so there is no confusion in the process.

Broaching referral incentives within opportunities has allowed MoralesHR to build a new revenue stream from scratch, all while doing exactly what they had been doing in the past.

It’s not that we were opposed to collecting referral fees when we made referrals between our network and our clients. We just never had an easy way to do this, and none of the tools we were using provided this functionality. Switchboard made referral incentives simple, and they have allowed us to connect even more people in our network to client opportunities.

Automated and Customized Follow-ups Help MoralesHR Stay in the Loop

With such a large network and with such a high volume of referrals, managing the tracking of the referrals MoralesHR made was a big challenge.

MoralesHR takes full advantage of Switchboard’s referral tracking system and its referral fee collection process. After a referral is made and the client indicates they have moved forward, Switchboard handles the referral fee collection process on behalf of MoralesHR.s paid by the client, Switchboard follows up to collect the appropriate referral fee and sends it to MoralesHR.

All of this is tracked in real-time in MoralesHR’s referral dashboard, where they get insights into the status of each referral they’ve made, the contract value associated with the opportunity, and their expected referral fee cut.

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